AkibaCon 2025

“ Se continuerai a credere ai tuoi sogni, niente nella tua vita sarà stato fatto invano… ” 

Associazione Culturale AKIBACON

Shirogane sama

Shirogane Sama


15 e 16 giugno 2024
15 e 16 giugno 2024
ore: 00:00 | 15 giugno 2024


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chi è shirogane sama ?

Hello there! My name is Shirogane-sama. For now I’ve been cosplaying more than 10 years and have a huge experience in different spheres of cosplay – doing make-up, styling wigs, posing, judging the contests in different countries (world cosplay summit as well) and organizing local cosplay-events. You can find my works using my social media – Shirogane_sama. I appreciate the creative approach in art the most, so wish you all a lot of inspiration to show your imagination and love for what you’re doing. Enjoy your creativity!
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